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Working for BKR

Are you looking for a job in the field of mergers & acquisitions in a dynamic company? You will be working on international M&A projects with us, in a modern office in an upscale city center location, as part of a competent and experienced team.

Thinking and working across disciplines, acting bravely.

We are constantly on the lookout for the best colleagues - to make them the very best. That is why we place a high value on fostering a corporate culture in which everyone assumes responsibility, develops their personal and professional skills, and contributes their own ideas. This is how we provide qualified applicants with the best career opportunities.

Über 60 Jahre M&A-Branchenerfahrung
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Open positions

Manager / Senior Manager

Full time (m/f/d)

Marketing Expert

Full time (m/f/d)


Let’s Make Yours a Common Cause

BKR Transaktionspartner
GmbH & Co. KG

Goltsteinstrasse 30-31
40211 Düsseldorf
+ 49(0)211 740 756 0

Karriere bei BKR: Individuell, nah dran und mit viel Feingefühl und Weitsicht.